A fruit chutney is a delicious and a most misunderstood condiment and has a variety of its usages in many different dishes like roast meats,salads,chaats and many fried dishes like chicken rolls,vegetable rolls etc and its different uses are given below this recipe.

Ingredients To Make Fruit Chutney
Preparation time 15 minutes | Total time 1 hour & 15 minutes | Makes 5 cups |
500 g green apples
500 g pears
2 onions chopped
1/2 cup sultanas
1/4 cup currants
1 cup soft brown sugar
2 cloves garlic chopped
3 cups cider vinegar
1 teaspoon five spice powder
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/4 cup tomato paste
1 . Peel core and dice the apples and pears.Combine apples,pears.,
onions,sultanas,currants, sugar,garlic,vinegar,spices and tomato
paste in large heavy based pan.
2. Bring the mixture to the boil over medium heat.Reduce the heat and simmer gently for 1 hour.stirring occasionally,until the fruit is tender.
3. Spoon into warmed and sterilized jars and seal while still hot.Store in a cool dark place.
Fruit Chutney And Its Uses
Fruit chutney is the worlds very delicious condiment and it is very misunderstood.The people who tried it say that their kitchens will never be without it and the people who didn’t try it are scratching their heads that what this fuss is all about.Fruit chutney because of its ease to prepare,its great flavor and vast variety of option to use this chutney with many dishes.A list of some of the uses of fruit chutney are as under.
- You can use it in your chicken salad and also use it in your sandwiches for better taste.
- Mix it with tour ground beef or pork and use it for sausage roll filling or use for meatloaf.
- When making a meat pie serve it on the side of a meat pie.
- Have it with any kind of cooked pork dish for instance pork chops,tenderloin,ham ,etc.
- It can be served with grilled sausages
- Serve it with roasted turkey or chicken.
- With pate it can be served for a great taste.
- Pour chutney over warm goat cheese and serve for a great taste.
- For a tasty dip mix it with green yogurt
- Use it as a dipping sauce for all your fried items like samosas,chicken,beef vegetable rolls,etc.
- With grilled cheese sandwich it can be served for great taste.
- Serve it on the side of Indian dishes like curry
- With cheese,veggie or any sort of burger it can be served for a refreshing taste.