An Apple fritter is a type of pastry consisting of batter which has been filled with apple slices and the combination of batter and apple gives an awesome taste.
Although fritters also consists of some meat in place of fruits and breadcrumbs in place of batter.Thus it is eaten in many different forms and in different parts of the world.It is a very popular dish all around the globe.Main ingredients used in making apple fritters are apples, light beer and eggs.

Recipe Of Apple Fritter
Cooking time for Apple Fritter dish is 4-6 minutes and it Serves 4 peoples
Ingredients To Make Apple Fritter
(1) Plain all purpose or self raising flour 100 g/4 oz or 1 cup in American
(2) salt pinch or pinch in American
(3) Egg 1 or 1 in American
(4) Light beer or white grape juice 225 ml/8 fl oz or 1 cup in American
(5) Olive corn or salad oil 2 tbsp or 3 tbsp in American
(6) To fry:
Deep oil or fat
(7) fruit:
apple slices
(8) To coat :
Flour approximately 2 tbsp or 3 tbsp in American
Use either flour depending on whether a thin or puffy batter is preferred.
Blend the flour with the salt, egg and a little of beer.Beat well until a smooth mixture,then gradually add the remaining beer.Pour the oil into the batter just before coating the food and blend well. Heat the oil or fat to 175°C/345°F,or until the cube of the day old bread turns golden in just under a minute.
Coat the fruit with a very little flour , then dip in the batter.Hold over the bowl so any excess batter drops back.Fry for 4 to 6 minutes until crisp and golden.Drain on absorbent paper (kitchen towels) and serve.
Variation In Preparing This Dish
Omit the beer and use milk or milk and water instead.The oil can be reduced to 1 tablespoon.